Scott Silverstein for City Council 2022
  • $25

  • $50

  • $114

  • $250

  • $800

2 Información personal

Primer Contribuyente
Dirección Conjunta
Primer Contribuyente

Si no tiene ocupación o empleador, no lo deje en blanco. En ocupación, use términos generales, tales como: Gerente, Ama de casa o Ninguno. Si no es empleado de una compañía, use términos como: Independiente, Retirado o Desempleado.

3 Información Adicional

4 Método de pago

This donation page is unable to process transactions pending account verification.

 I certify the following:

  • This contribution is not being made under a false name, is not being made under another person’s name, has not been reimbursed, and will not be reimbursed.
  • This contribution does not cause me to exceed my contribution limit of $800. I understand that all contributions I make to this candidate or committee must be cumulated. I understand that a contribution from another individual or entity whose contribution activity I control, such as a business that I own or control, must be aggregated with this contribution, and both contributions will be treated as a single contribution from me.
  • I am a United States citizen or a lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  • I am not a lobbyist or lobbying firm that is prohibited from contributing under Los Angeles City Charter § 470(c)(11).
  • I am not a bidder, sub-contractor, principal, or underwriting firm that is prohibited from contributing under Los Angeles City Charter § 470(c)(12) or 609(e).
  • I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the City of Los Angeles and the state of California that all of the information in this contributor certification is true and correct.