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Wednesday, May 25 2022

Join Devin T. Murphy for one of his May fundraisers and support his campaign for Clerk-Recorder!


Date: Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Time: 7pm-8:30pm

Location: Address given upon RSVP

  • $100

  • $250

  • $500

  • $1,000

  • $1,500

  • $2,500

2 Información personal

Primer Contribuyente
Dirección Conjunta
Primer Contribuyente

If you are retired, please put: Occupation: Retired, EmployerNone

If you are unemployed,  please put: Occupation: Unemployed, Employer: None

If you are a stay-at-home parent,  please put: Occupation: Stay-at-home parent, Employer: None

If you are self-employed or an independent contractor and do business under your first and last name, please put: Occupation: <describe your business>, Employer: First and Last Name

 If you are self-employed and do business under a business name, please put: Occupation: <describe your business, i.e., "photographer">, Employer: The name that people put on checks to your business, i.e., "Jake's Discount Photography"

If you are employed by a company, please put Occupation: <describe your job title, i.e., "Director of Sales">, Employer: <the name of your employer>.

3 Método de pago

Credit Card Icon

El código de verificación (CVC) es un número de 3 o 4 dígitos y lo puede encontrar en la parte trasera de su tarjeta

4 Detalles del evento

Al contribuir, usted acepta lo siguiente Términos y condiciones.