Every campaign has a bumper sticker, yard sign, or button their supporters are proud to wear and show off. eFund Connect is the first fully integrated platform that allows your campaign to list your campaign merchandise directly on your donation page.
Simply upload images of your campaign's merchandise to make it instantly available on your donation page. Once you have sold items, you can export your merchandise list so you can quickly get your supporters their campaign stickers, buttons, hats and more.

Yard Signs

Bumper Stickers




Campaign Gear
No limit to the number of items you can display
When setting up your account, simply check the "Merchandise" section of the payment amount. It will ask you for a square photo of the merchandise. You can also set a limit per transaction, and total, so you don't oversell your merchandise.
Create as many merchandise items as you like, and list them on the store. Once the purchases have come through, you can export your buyers list, and send them their products. eFund Connect makes it simple to provide your supporters campaign gear so you can focus on winning your campaign.
Upload image of your gear
Set dollar amount and quantity
Sell campaign gear!