Moving Madera Forward PAC - Yes on Measure T

Individual, business and corporate contributions accepted with no limit.

Checks can be mailed to:

Moving Madera Forward PAC - Yes on Measure T

1635 E. Cambridge Avenue

Fresno, CA 93704

(916) 234-6210 

Contributions are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.  We are required to use our best efforts to collect and report the occupation, employer and physical address of individuals whose contributions exceed $99 or more in an election cycle. 
Contact information provided will be transmitted to the committee. assumes no responsibility or obligation for the protection of the privacy of this information by the committee. Credit Card information will be used for processing only and will not be shared with the committee or any third party except for the express purposes of processing or as required by law.
Charges will appear as "MaderaPAC " on your credit card statement.