Common Sense California

Please mail checks made payable to:

"Common Sense California"

970 Seacoast Drive, Ste 7

Imperial Beach, CA 91932


Treasurer: Briana Bilbray, CPA 


Contributions are not deductible for income tax purposes.  FPPC regulations require us to collect and report the name, address, employer and occupation of all donors who aggregate more than $100 in a calendar year. State law prohibits reimbursing donors for their contribution. 

提供的联系信息将转交给委员会。 对委员会保护此信息的隐私不承担任何责任或义务。信用卡信息将仅用于付款,不会与委员会或任何第三方共享,除非有明确的处理目的或法律要求。