Contributions may be made to the Committee to Support the Recall of Aisha Wahab (“Committee”) in unlimited amounts from any source including corporations, unions, lobbyists, etc. but are prohibited from foreign nationals (unless the individual is a legal resident with a green card).
The name, occupation, and employer of contributors of $100 or more, in total, must be publicly disclosed on campaign reports periodically filed with the California Secretary of State.
Contributors who make cumulative contributions of $10,000 or more to all California state and local candidates and political committees, including contributions to this Committee, must file their own “Major Donor” campaign reports disclosing their contributions.
The Committee’s top three contributors of $50,000 or more will be included in the disclaimers on all campaign ads.
The Committee may not accept contributions which have been, or will be, reimbursed by another person or entity unless you provide the Committee with information regarding the true source of the contribution.
All contributions will be used to support the recall of State Senator Aisha Wahab and will not be used to support any candidate.
FPPC ID 1459933