Dr. Saadi for Irvine Council 2024

Thank you for donating, your donation will allow Dr. Saadi’s campaign to reach as many voters as possible. Dr. Zainab Saadi is a parent, doctor, teacher, and Irvine Senior Citizens Council Commissioner who is devoted to serving the community that helped raise her. 

Donations help her have a stronger voice. Let’s help her help the community!

More info at: Www.DrSaadiforIrvine.com

1 Contribution

  • $1240

    Couple MAX: Need Info for Both Spouses Please

  • $620

    Individual MAX

  • $250

  • $100

  • $75

2 Personal Information

First Contributor
Joint Address
First Contributor

If you have no occupation or employer, do not leave blank. For occupation use general terms such as 'manager', 'homemaker', or 'none.' If not employed by a company, use terms such as 'self', 'retired', or 'unemployed.'

3 Payment Method

Credit Card Icon

CVC on Visa/MasterCard/Discover is a 3 digit code on the back of the card. CVC on AMEX is a 4 digit code on the front of the card.

By contributing you agree to the terms and conditions.